The variety of thermocouple wire and cable solutions are quite numerous. It can be a daunting task to wade through the diversity of products -- from high temperature wire to type K thermocouple and thermocouple extension wire to autoclave thermocouple assemblies – in order to select the right solution for your application.
We realize the choices are vast, but finding the right thermocouple solution shouldn’t be difficult. Providing useful information that simplifies the selection process is one of the reasons for starting our blog. We’re here to make your job easier and to get you the right product as quickly as possible.
We’ve recently added a new APPLICATIONS section to the website that we think you’ll find useful, whether you’re an R&D engineer looking for the right product for your project or a purchasing agent looking to fill an order.
The INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION GUIDE provides a quick table that defines the more commonly used thermocouple solutions for over 18 industries. We’ve enhanced this guide by adding pages that are specific to a number of industries including:
Take a look at these new sections. Each provides you with at-a-glance information on a series of thermocouple products that are commonly used in the industries. Additionally, you have buttons that provide you with the ability to download datasheets, request a sample, request a quote or ask us a question.
Let us know what you think of this new information. We’d appreciate your input. With your help, we will continue to improve and enhance the APPLICATIONS guide so that the task of selecting the right thermocouple for your application will become even easier.