No matter how many times you travel in one of those big beautiful birds flying the friendly skies, you cannot help but admire the beauty and strength of the aviation / aerospace composites that are incorporated into their sophisticated design.
Check out this video as the pilot puts a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner through its paces in preparation for the 2015 Paris Air Show.

Boeing Prepares the 787-9 Dreamliner for the 2015 Paris Air Show
This reminds me of the takeoff from John Wayne Airport in Orange County, CA. The pilot takes engines to full power then releases the brakes so they can climb at a high angle of attack up to 2,000 feet altitude, then they level off and cut thrust by half which reduces the noise over homes around airport. It's a real thrill ride the first couple of takeoff from SNA. Impressive.
Ok. Take a moment to get past the (real or imagined) case of the ‘tickle bellies’ as you watched this video. Amazing, isn't it? If you spend as much time in the air as I do, perhaps you're thinking, "Man, I hope the pilot doesn't do that when I'm on board." (Or perhaps, you secretly do.)
Either way, you cannot help but marvel at both the beauty and strength of these magnificent flying machines and wonder at the amount of stress they endure during these flights.
But do you also think about the significant importance that the quality and accuracy of composite curing plays in the role of keeping the latest aviation technology flying reliably and consistently?
You can learn more about the importance of 100% accuracy, 0% failure AccuClave® thermocouple system here: