I must admit, Pat Durkin has some great stories to tell. That's the way it is when you're on the road as much as we are. And I'm sure my fellow globe-trotting associate will admit that as we travel the world sharing our autoclave curing experience with composites manufacturers, we both have a love/hate relationship with travel. But we do it for very good reasons.
There’s no better way to assist our customers and prospective new customers than to be able to discuss their problems, pain points and concerns face to face. Tradeshows give us that opportunity in a very concise way, providing both the time and access to numerous aviation and aerospace composites manufacturers all under one roof, so to speak.
I really enjoyed my recent trip to the 10th Annual Wasatch Front Material Expo sponsored by the SAMPE Utah chapter. It was a well-attended show that I expect will continue to grow. Beyond the amazing view (see photos below), WFME was a small, intimate table-top show and it was really great to connect with some old friends and new acquaintances.

As much as I enjoyed the venue in Utah, I’m really looking forward to the MRO Americas 2015 show for three reasons.
- After the crazy winter we had in the North East, the Aviation Week sponsored show is in Miami Beach, FL, an awesome choice for this time of year. While I know we’ll be busy with the show, I hope to see some great weather and a bit of fun in the sun.
- I’m really looking forward to connecting with my new best friend Regina Kenney (follower her on Twitter @AVWeekRegina) and introducing her to the AccuClave thermocouple wire system. (Hi Regina!) For those of you that want to follow the goings-on at the show, be sure to check out #MROTweetUps and #MROAmericas. They also offer a cool app here: http://bit.ly/1Jas3Sw
- Most importantly, the MRO Americas show presents us with another great opportunity to swap war stories and solutions with aviation manufacturers about their autoclave composites curing applications and challenges.
We learn something new at every show we attend. That in itself is worth the price of admission. However, by being there, we hope to return the favor by imparting what we’ve learned. The decades of experience has culminated into the unique, high-accuracy pre-assembled thermocouple wire system that we’ve developed specifically for aviation and aerospace composite curing applications.
If you’re attending Aviation Week’s MRO Americas 2015 show in Miami, FL on Apr 14-16, please stop by to visit us at booth 2004. Pat and I would be glad to discuss your composites manufacturing challenges and evaluate for you how the AccuClave thermocouple systems will improve the ROI of your aviation composites curing applications. You can also easily schedule an appointment so we can set aside some time for you. Just let us know a day and time you’ll be stopping by.
You can also follow us on Twitter @tewire and @VladF22.
If you’re not attending the MRO Americas show, I'll be sure to share a photo or two in a future blog post.
You can learn more about the AccuClave system here: