As a result of research conducted by the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge and tests conducted in the calibration laboratory at CCPI Europe Ltd., a new mineral insulated (MI) thermocouple cable has been developed for sensor manufacturing.

Base Metal Thermocouple limitations for both Type K and Type N thermocouple combinations in operational conditions during extended and/or high temperature conditions are shown to have a limited life operation.
The test results showed the conventional Type K thermocouple wire design maintained calibration limits and stayed within IEC 60584 -1: 2013 class 1 and ASTM E230 special tolerances up to the sixteenth cycle.
In contrast, the new design dual-wall Type K sensors maintained calibration values to meet both IEC 60584 -1: 2013 class 1 and ASTM E230 special tolerances for the full duration of the tests.
This new low-drift mineral insulated thermocouple cable can allow Type K and N thermocouples to work longer and at higher temperatures with significantly reduced drift, offering greater measurement confidence.
To learn more about this exciting new development in thermocouple cable, why not make plans to attend the following presentation?
Topic: Low Drift Type K Thermocouple Cable for Aerospace Applications
- Where: Heat Treat 2017 (ASM International), Columbus, OH
- When: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 @ 4:20 PM
- Location: A210-212 (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
- Speakers:
Trevor Ford, CCPI Europe Ltd, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Dr. Michele Scervini, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
If you can’t attend the presentation at Heat Treat 2017, you can let us know if you’d be interested in attending a webinar we will be scheduling in November.

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